
July 1, 2024

You Need to Know

  • The 2024 Iowa Legislative Session is over, but there's is always work to be done. We'll be sending out a Legislative Link at the beginning of each month during the offseason to keep you informed of relevant issues, resources, and impacts from legislative changes. 

  • In League news, Daniel Stalder has been promoted to be our new Government Affairs Director. The League is thrilled to elevate Daniel, who has done great work on behalf of Iowa cities.

Broadband BEAD Service Map Challenge Open

  • In order to provide broadband grants to unserved and underserved areas of Iowa, there is currently a broadband availability challenge open. 

  • Internet availability maps, and therefore investment in broadband, is reliant on internet service providers self-reporting speeds and availability. This can lead to inaccurate or incomplete maps. The general public as well as other internet service providers are able to provide their own experience to challenge these maps. 

  • Learn more about this broadband challenge process and how you as a citizen, and you as a city, can get more involved in expanding broadband in Iowa.

MFPRSI Mental Health Evaluations Required

  • As changed by HF 2680 and effective on July 1, 2024, Code of Iowa Chapter 411 will now require pre-employment evaluations to include mental health screening. 

  • The MFPRSI has sent this memo to impacted cities providing guidance, or interim standards, that outline the important details of how this change should be implemented. 

  • As a reminder, Code of Iowa Chapter 411 affects 49 cities. To see which cities are subject to chapter 411, visit the MFPRSI Website.

Widespread Flooding Impacts Iowa Communities

  • This spring and summer have been marked with major disasters in many of Iowa’s communities. Resiliency planning, Emergency Management Agencies, and mutual aid agreements have all been put to the test. 

  • Local Governments have been eager to assist whenever, and wherever, possible. The existing lines of communications between county emergency managers are the first avenues of coordination. Unless you have existing relationships and lines of communication with an affected community, the Emergency Managers are the best way to support the collective effort.

  • It is advised that cities communicate with their Countywide Emergency Management team in providing aid.

New Laws of Interest Webinar - Recording available

  • In June, the League’s Legislative Team presented its annual New laws of Interest to Cities publication in a webinar format. With more than 200 registrants, there was an immense amount of interest in this presentation. 

  • If you have lingering questions about laws going into effect, you can email, or contact your city attorney. 

  • The slides and recording of the presentation are also available on the League’s website.

Iowa Environmental Council Requesting Input

  • In order to understand the critical needs and ongoing efforts related to the Inflation Reduction Act, the IEC requests stakeholder input from those who are eligible to pursue federal funding. 

  • The short survey, linked above, is designed to provide feedback to the IEC on how local governments and community leaders can best leverage the federal investments being made.

You can view all editions of Legislative Link at

Like our membership, the Iowa League of Cities is a non-partisan, service-oriented organization that does not participate in elections, make campaign contributions, or have a political action committee (PAC).

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